01 February, 2008


Gosh, it's been a long time since I posted to CM - Professional Edition. I took a nice long blogging vacation, and I have been writing so much in my "real life" that I haven't had time to compose a single new musing! A recent experience (and meeting) has made me contemplate many of the people and things that have come into my life through the years, and I have fully begun to appreciate the fact that I am truly drawn to people, things and experiences that are "out of the ordinary" and perhaps even a little quirky. I met a guy not too long ago who is amazingly brilliant, very sexy, and highly accomplished, yet able to be totally silly and flirty and fun - and I love that combination! So, I think I'll muse using Jack Kerouac, and say...

The only people for me are the mad ones,
the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk,
mad to be saved, desirous of everything at
the same time, the ones who never yawn or
say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn,
burn like fabulolus yellow roman candles
exploding like spiders across the stars . . .

This one's for you Chris G. in Portland!

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