03 September, 2007

The Truth of Constructionism

The whole dear notion of one's own self -- marvelous old free-willed, free enterprising, autonomous, independent, isolated island of the self -- is a myth. ~ Lewis Thomas, from "The Lives of a Cell"


. . . We multiply distinctions, then
Deem that our puny boundaries are things
That we perceive, and not that which we have made.

~ William Wordsworth, "The Prelude", Book III


If I ask about the world, you can offer to tell me how it is under one or more frames of reference; but if I insist that you tell me how it is apart from all frames, what can you say? ~ Nelson Goodman, from "Ways of Worldmaking"


Every version of an "other" . . . is also the construction of a "self". ~ James Clifford, from "Writing Culture"


PHOTO; Sculpture, Musee Olympique, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2007

1 comment:

Michael said...


I dig the websites (both the regular and the "professional"--talk about social constructionism ;) and if that picture is the tatoo you got... bravo!~!!
